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Print Design
Book and Record Covers
These projects required me to create handmade artwork in Illustrator for 4 album covers and 4 book covers. I discovered that iteration for good design is key, and one's process should include time for drafting, reviewing, and even casual design-play. These two pieces were my favorite and showed me another side of my design-self: playfulness and experimentation!

My Process and Insights
#1: Much of my experience comes from the nonprofit world; and in that world there never seems to be enough time, money, or resources for worthy design and its sometimes long timeline. I was so used to a "first idea, best idea" mentality and had no previous luxury of casual design play. What a revelation!
#2: In my learning experience, this was the first time I created actual design and felt like an artist!
#3: Iterations are key. Putting down a project, usually overnight, helped me see through new lenses to further my ideas and refine my artwork.

Why This Project Matters to Me
As states above, it was one of the first times I felt like an artist with artwork created from scratch. I felt proud of my designs - but feel I could still take them to new heights!